International Cooperation

According to the Federаl Law № 7-ФЗ «Regarding the Judicial Department at the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation», the Judicial Department at the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation is a federal state body that provides organizational support of activities of general jurisdiction courts of cassation, general jurisdiction courts of appeal, the Military Court of Cassation, the Appellate Military Court, supreme courts of republics, courts of territories, regions, federal cities, a court of an autonomous region, courts of autonomous circuits, arbitration courts of circuits, arbitration courts of appeal, arbitration courts of republics, territories, regions, federal cities, an autonomous region, autonomous circuits, district, city and interdistrict courts, district (naval) military courts, garrison military courts, specialized federal courts, bodies of the judicial community, financial support of justices of the peace and formation of a unified information space of federal courts and justices of the peace. According to items 7, 8, 19, 21 of the article 6 of the above mentioned Federal Law the Judicial Department is authorized to:

1) interact with educational institutions specializing in the training of judges and improving judicial qualifications;

2) be responsible for the selection and professional training of the Judicial Department employees as well as employees of its divisions and organizations;

3) establish and maintain contacts with governmental and other bodies, institutions and organizations, including foreign companies with the aim of improving the organization of the courts and bodies of the Judicial Department and increasing the efficiency of their work;

4) carry out other activities aimed at supporting the courts, bodies of the judiciary and divisions of the Judicial Department.