Authorities of the Judicial Department

The Judicial Department is authorized to:
1)     support the activities of general jurisdiction courts of cassation, general jurisdiction courts of appeal, supreme courts of republics, courts of territories, regions, federal cities, a court of an autonomous region, courts of autonomous circuits, arbitration courts of circuits, arbitration courts of appeal, arbitration courts of republics, territories, regions, federal cities, an autonomous region, autonomous circuits as well as military and special purpose courts, divisions of the Judicial Department, All-Russia Congress of Judges and other bodies of judiciary the Congress may establish;
2)     manage the activity of the divisions and organizations of the Judicial Department;
3)     develop draft laws and legal normative acts on issues within its competence ;
4)     develop and submit to the Government proposals on financing courts, justices of the peace and Collegia on Judicial Qualifications to be approved by the Chairman of the Supreme Court and Council of Judges of the Russian Federation;
5)     analyze activities of the courts and develop proposals on their improvement;
6)     submit to the Supreme Court proposals on the establishment or nullification of courts;
7)     determine the need for personnel in the courts; provide for selection and training of candidates for the positions of  judge; interact with educational institutions specializing in the training of judges and improving judicial qualifications;
8)     be responsible for the selection and professional training of the Judicial Department employees as well as employees of its divisions and organizations;
9)     based on the results of research, determine the workload for judges and court employees;
10) in case there is a vacancy and upon the agreement with the supreme courts of republics, courts of territories, regions, federal cities, a court of an autonomous region, courts of autonomous circuits as well as military and special purpose courts, assign candidates for the position of  judge to fill such vacancies;
11) maintain statistics and keep personal records of personnel employed in the courts and in the Judicial Department;
12) collect court statistics, support clerical work as well as the work of the archives in courts; interact with bodies of the judiciary on issues related to preparing a consolidated statistical report;
13) within its competence review complaints and requests filed by citizens;
14) render logistical and other support to divisions and organizations of the Judicial Department; provide for and finance research in the field of the activities of the judiciary;
15) provide for construction, maintenance and repairs; provide equipment for the courts, and divisions of the Judicial Department;
16) provide for the development and installation of computer software required for case management and administrative work and information support; work on systematizing the legislation and maintaining a database on normative legal acts of the Russian Federation and directories of the legislation;
17) in conjunction with the bodies of judiciary, courts and law enforcement bodies, ensure the independence, immunity and safety of judges and members of their families;
18) provide material and social support to judges, retired judges, members of their families and court personnel; in accordance with federal legislation provide them with housing, medical treatment and sanatorium-resort facilities;
19) establish and maintain contacts with governmental and other bodies, institutions and organizations, including foreign companies with the aim of improving the organization of the courts and bodies of the Judicial Department and increasing the efficiency of their work;
20) interact with the Bar, law enforcement and other governmental agencies on issues related to proper support of the judiciary;
21) carry out other activities aimed at supporting the courts, bodies of the judiciary and divisions of the Judicial Department.